Still Confused?

Okay. Let's actually use the tags from the previous page on this page here so you can see what they look like!
Remember: only the content appears on a browser.
To make this page more readable, let's first create a horizontal line using the <hr> tag.

This text is inside of <h1> heading tags

This one uses the <h2> tags

Notice how the sizes are different? This one is <h3>

You can reuse heading tags if you want, this one is <h4>

Look, here's <h2> again

This is the <h5> tag
And finally, <h6>
I feel like putting in another horizontal line using the <hr> tag.

Next, let's create some lists.

  1. And this one
  2. right over here
  3. is an ordered list
  4. For this one we use the <ol> and the <li> tags
This one here
is a description list
What's it for?
Who cares, let's just learn it
This type of list uses
the <dl> <dt> and <dd> tags
As for text:

If you use <strong> or <b> tags, your text will be displayed in bold
If you use <em> or <i> tags, your font is displayed italicized
This line of text is using the <u> tag
And this one here is using the <s> tag

Hmm... what else is important?

Ooh! Let's display an image by using the <img> tag!

And let's create a link by using the <a> tag: Click here!

But wait, where did that image come from and how did the browser know to where to link to?
The browser can't possibly read my mind and somehow know what image to display or what link to use, right?
Right! And this is where HTML attributes come in. Let's learn about that now.
But first, one more horizontal line!

Next: HTML Attributes pt. 1

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