What is Github?


GitHub, Inc. is a provider of Internet hosting for software development and version control using Git.
It offers the distributed version control and source code management functionality of Git, plus its own features.

Dafuq does that mean

If you look online, there's a million explanations as to what Github is.

"GitHub is a distributed version control platform where users can collaborate on or adopt open source code projects, fork code, share ideas and more!"
"GitHub is a Git repository hosting service that provides a web-based graphical interface!"
"Github is a code hosting project management tool!"
Version control?   Git?   Repository?  
How is someone starting out on this journey of becoming a programmer supposed to understand this technobabble?

Version control

Version control is a system that keeps track of the changes that are made to a file.
What's important about version control is that every time you save a file, that saved file is stored.
Think of it like a humongous filing cabinet.
Everytime you save your file, you're filing away that specific version in one of the drawers in the filing cabinet.
If you ever want change your file back to any previous version, you can easily find it in your filing cabinet!

Git dafuq out of here

Git is one of many version control systems that exist.
This is from freeCodeCamp:
This is what Tae says regarding Git:

And finally, Github

Github is aptly named because it is in fact a hub for Git.
Remember how, like, five sentences ago, you learned that version control is like a virtual filing cabinet?
And then a few sentences after that, how Git is simply a version control system?
Well Github is an online software platform (or you know, a website) that hosts all your Git projects.
What makes Github special is that it's also kind of a social media platform.
It is Github's community that truly makes it special: it's used by millions of programmers and developers from all kinds of corporations!
There are many platforms that host Git projects, such as GitLab and Bitbucket, but there's a reason why Microsoft paid $7.5 billion for Github!


Version control is like a huge virtual filing cabinet.
Git is one of many virtual filing cabinets version control systems.
Each drawer project in this virtual filing cabinets Git is called a repository.
Github is one of many platforms that hosts Git repositories, and it also acts as kind of a a social media platform.

Next: How to use Github

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